Our Programs

The Man Cave’s programs are designed to create long-term, positive shifts in attitudes and behaviours by creating psychologically safe space, challenging problematic gender stereotypes and providing participants with the opportunity to step into healthier masculinity principles.

After attending a Man Cave program:

  • 91% of boys report wanting to be a man that treats others with care and respect and

  • 84% of boys feel empowered to build and maintain healthy relationships.

We’ve now taken 70,000+ young men through these full-day, immersive and evidence-based workshops. Facilitated by highly-trained and diverse male role models, the workshops provide boys with the critical emotional and social skills they need to lead flourishing lives for themselves, their relationships and their communities.

You’ll find more information about our programs below.

*We currently deliver in-school programs in Victoria and NSW. We also offer other programs for teachers, educators, schools, parents and adults around the country. Find more information below.

Student Workshops

The Man Cave’s Student Workshops are a series of three whole-day experiences that encourage participants to explore the concept of ‘masculinity’ and the impacts of outdated societal expectations placed on men, and to build healthier relationships with themselves and those around them.

Based on the Rites of Passage framework, the workshops create safe spaces for participants to have real conversations with each other. They include group-building activities, interactive games and healthy discussions on mental health, relationships and consent.




Level 1 – Understanding Self

The Level 1 workshop begins The Man Cave experience, focusing on self-discovery. Through a series of age-appropriate activities and discussions, participants will expand their emotional literacy and understand the impact of outdated masculine norms on their mental health and interpersonal relationships. In the full-day workshop, boys will:

  • Examine the scripts of masculinity they have inherited and the impact on their wellbeing
  • Understand the consequences of not expressing and sharing emotion
  • Practise authentically articulating their inner worlds through a Check-In
  • Envision the man they want to be for themselves and their community 
  • Recognise the importance of honouring the strengths of their peers




Level 2 – Understanding & Supporting Others

The Level 2 workshop builds on the foundation of self-awareness established in Level 1, guiding participants towards cultivating healthy relationships with others. Through shared narratives and personal reflections, they recognise the evolving dynamics of relationships over time. In this workshop, boys will:

  • Recognise relationships in their lives and their importance for wellbeing
  • Understand the impact on men and broader society when people cannot hold space for each other
  • Develop the relational skills to hold space for people through the LEAD framework (Listen, Empathise, Ask, Do)
  • Practise the skill of sharing stories and acknowledging the strengths of others




Workshop 3 – Navigating Boundaries & Relationships

The Level 3 workshop builds on the self-awareness and interpersonal skills developed in Levels 1 and 2, focusing on the critical concept of boundaries. In this workshop, boys will:

  • Understand what boundaries are and the role they play
  • Understand the importance of establishing healthy boundaries for self, others and group culture
  • Explore the impact of crossing boundaries on self, others and group culture
  • Envision how healthy boundaries have a positive impact on self and others
  • Know what to do when a boundary is crossed


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The Results

Our programs have been designed in consultation with young men, Psychologists, and mental health experts to safely and reliably create an attitudinal and behavioural shift in the boys that participate.


The feedback from 70,000+ boys demonstrates how successful our programs are:

• 95% would recommend our program to other young men

• 98% think our facilitators are awesome

• 94% of boys rate our workshops 4 or 5 out of 5


Ernst & Young have also independently evaluated our programs and endorsed our programs for creating significant positive change for boys, parents and teachers, especially when compared to other similar interventions.

“It was life changing and something I’ll never forget.”

Kurnai College Student



Working With Boys is a self-paced, self-directed online Professional Development course designed to empower educators in engaging with teenage boys in healthy, constructive ways. It provides eight hours of PD. Learn more here.


Movember SpeakEasy workshops, delivered in partnership with Movember, are ideal for workplaces, organisations and groups looking to build stronger connections amongst their people. These 90-minute face-to-face and online workshops help build skills to support the people around you and get the help you need, when you need it. Learn more here.


We also offer keynote addresses for parents, teachers and staff. These 60-minute face-to-face or online sessions provide context for what’s going on in the world of young men, and actionable takeaways to improve engagement. Learn more by booking a meeting with our Programs Team.

Want to know more about our results or research? Head here.

“Experts at creating a safe space for sharing deep feelings and thoughts” – AIME Mentor


“Whatever you did has worked, so we need a lot more of that please.” – Kurnai College Morwell parent


“Amazing, demonstrated techniques to assist with trauma without the boys shutting down.” – Sandringham College teacher


“A great experience that pushed me in many different ways… the way they combined more traditional training to articulate conceptual aspects of the program with really involved experiential learning was awesome!” – Newly recruited Man Cave facilitator