Since 2014, we have provided 70,000+ young men, parents and educators with healthy masculinities programs. Our programs, research and insights have been featured in every mainstream media publication in Australia.

Working in this space for 10 years now, we see the opportunity to empower boys and their communities, but we must act now.

Positive, preventative programs like ours are crucial as they mean we get to boys before negative attitudes, behaviours and belief systems, which lead to gendered violence, male suicide and mental ill health, have taken hold.

For as little as $50, you can provide the funding for one teenage boy to experience a life-changing Man Cave workshop, knowing that this program won’t just be good for them, but for their relationships and their communities, too.

If you wish to organise a fundraising campaign for Man Cave, we recommend the use of GoFundMe as your chosen platform. You can also access branding assets, videos, images and copy to use here. For any community fundraising questions, please email