Please note, The Man Cave itself does not provide counselling, 1-1 services or crisis intervention. However, below are a list of services that can provide help. You can also contact your local doctor who can refer you to a mental health professional.
Remember, there are plenty of people who you can turn to for support including friends; parents/guardians and other adults you trust; extended family members, teachers and well-being officers plus school counsellors and chaplains.
Mental Health Services
Kids Helpline — 1800 551 800
Sexual Assault Line — 1800 806 292
Online Safety —
Smiling Mind —
Reachout —
beyondblue —
Headspace —
Indigenous Health —
Rainbow Network —
Eating Disorders —
Here are some links that you might find useful to better understand young men and how best to support them in their journey to adulthood.
The Man Box Study by Jesuit Social Services – this study explains more about the difficulties for young men of being stuck in ‘the man box’ and its negative impacts
Lost Connections by Johann Hari – a fascinating, insightful and timely read which explores the root causes of depression and anxiety
The Making of Men by Dr Arne Rubinstein – for those looking to better understand some of the theory behind raising healthy young men
The Rites of Passage Institute – near Byron Bay, ROPI runs camps for boys and their parents
Raising Children Network – a great hub of resources for parents and guardians supporting a variety of issues relating to young men
The Mask You Live in (Facebook page) – a US organisation that posts great content and has released a documentary looking at the issues young people face with hyper-masculinity
Maggie Dent (Facebook Page) – a charismaticAustralian Mum who raised four boys and now educates parents around Australia
Anne Hubbard – a parenting expert who runs independent programs for parents
Culture Reframed – education and resources to build resilience and resistance to hyper-sexualised media and porn
GameAware – helping gamers and families optimise play, perspective and resilience
Man Up Docuseries on ABC – a 3-part docuseries that looks into the causes of men’s mental health in Australia
Women, Men and the Whole Damn Thing by David Leser – explores misogyny, patriarchy and the #MeToo movement