Welcome back Teachers!

If you’re on this page, it’s because your student has just experienced a workshop in The Man Cave! We really hope their experience was a positive and empowering one and now we want to set you up for success to support them.

To review, this is what happened in the workshop.

LEVEL 1: Self-Discovery and Emotional Literacy

In the Level 1 workshop, participants focused on self-discovery through age-appropriate activities and discussions. They learned about emotional literacy, the impact of outdated masculine norms on mental health, and interpersonal relationships. The workshop included practising the Check-In tool, fostering authentic emotional expression and awareness of others, and recognising each other’s strengths to envision their future selves.

LEVEL 2: Cultivating Healthy Relationships

The Level 2 workshop built on the self-awareness from Level 1, guiding participants towards developing healthy relationships. They explored the LEAD framework (Listen, Empathise, Ask, Do) to support others effectively. Through shared narratives and personal reflections, participants understood the evolving dynamics of relationships, engaged in activities to foster empathy, and acknowledged the strengths of their peers.

LEVEL 3: Understanding and Respecting Boundaries

The Level 3 workshop focused on the concept of boundaries, integrating self-awareness and interpersonal skills from the previous levels. Participants discussed the significance of boundaries, learned to articulate their own and understand others, and explored strategies for addressing boundary issues. The workshop provided tools for maintaining healthy boundaries, enhancing individual wellbeing, and contributing to a positive group culture.

Teachers often ask what to consider post-workshop. Here are some key things: continue meaningful conversations and model positive attitudes. Your support reinforces lessons learned. And we are always here to support you!

Pathways for Continued Access to TMC – if your students want to stay connected with The Man Cave, there are several ways. We offer work experience opportunities at our organisation, and we’re also active on Twitch a few nights a week, where they can engage live with our facilitators. Additionally, our Instagram regularly features tips and tricks to help continue the learnings from the workshop. We encourage the boys to contact us if they want to engage further.

Shout Out a Unique Gift or Talent – Consider honouring your students by acknowledging a unique gift or talent, rather than an achievement. At the end of each workshop, the boys participate in an ‘honouring/shout out’ session where they recognize each other’s positive traits and actions. You can prepare a similar honouring for your students.

The structure is: “I want to honour you for [gift/talent/trait], the impact it’s had on me is [describe the impact].

“E.g. “I want to honour you for always saying hi to me at the start of the day. The impact it’s had on me is that it makes me feel seen and appreciated, which makes me want to support you the best I can”.

This might initially feel odd, and your student might be taken aback, but recognising our young people for their character rather than their achievements helps them feel seen and heard. This is crucial for opening conversations and strengthening connections.

Continuing the Work of The Man Cave in Your Classroom

We have resources to help you implement some of the tools used in The Man Cave workshops. These guides will walk you through the processes of running a Check-In, a Clearing, and an Honouring, all of which your students likely experienced during their workshop. Each resource includes a written guide available for download, providing step-by-step instructions to easily integrate these practices into your routine.

In addition to using these guides, we encourage you to integrate the language and practices from the workshops into everyday school moments. Look for opportunities to include Check-Ins, the Glass Jar, and Honourings during yard duties, lunch times, staff meetings, and welfare meetings. For example, starting a challenging meeting with a Check-In for both the teacher and student can set a positive tone. These micro-moments can reinforce the workshop’s lessons and help create a supportive and cohesive environment throughout the school day.


Check-ins are a fantastic way to connect with students and strengthen their emotional skills. Use this guide as a reminder of how to facilitate check-ins.

[View our Check-In Guide Here]


Clearing helps address and resolve unspoken frustrations or conflicts that may arise over time. It allows individuals to express and release emotions, fostering a supportive and open environment. This guide provides step-by-step instructions on how to conduct a Clearing session.

[View our Clearing Guide Here]


Honouring is a chance to recognise and appreciate the positive qualities and contributions of others. This guide will show you how to effectively implement this practice in your classroom.

[View our Honouring/Shout-Out Guide Here]

For more information…

Drop us a line at hello@themancave.life

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