Welcome back Teachers!

If you’re on this page, it’s because your student has just experienced a workshop in The Man Cave! We really hope their experience was a positive and empowering one and now we want to set you up for success to support them.

How can I support my students after the program?

We suggest going gently with your students after the program. It’s likely they will take a few days to make sense of and integrate the experience with us. Keep in mind the following:

​• ​Create a safe, advice-free and judgement-free space for your students to open up and share their thoughts.

• ​​​​Have no expectations. Some students will be open to sharing (and you’ll learn a lot from them!) however others may not want to share and that is okay.

• ​​Ask your students simple, open-ended questions about the day, what they learned, what impact it had on them and what their vision for their future is.

​​• Continue to give students space over the course of the following weeks and they may gradually share some more of their thoughts about The Man Cave or their own future.

How can I continue the work of The Man Cave in the classroom?

We have some resources available that take you through the step-by-step process of running a Check-In, a Clearing and an Honouring. It is likely that the boys used at least two of these tools during their Man Cave workshop. As well as the videos below, these come with individual written guides that you’re welcome to download.

Check-In Guide

Check-ins are a great way to connect with mates and strengthen our emotional muscles. This tool can be used as a reminder on how to check-in with others!

View our Check-In Guide Here

Honouring/Shout-Out Guide

An honouring is an opportunity to shout out and acknowledge someone for the amazing qualities and value they bring into your life, check out this guide for a how-to!

View our Honouring/Shout-Out Guide Here

How can I learn the tools and the skills used by The Man Cave facilitators?

Man Cave offers a range of products, resources and services for young people and adults.

Working With Boys – Professional Development

Working With Boys is a new self-paced online professional development program that equips educators with the mindsets and tools to engage teenage boys in a healthy manner.
Click here to find out more

Transform – School Consulting

Transform is a new, whole-school wellbeing consulting program, co-created by Man Cave and The Rites of Passage Institute (ROPI). It is designed to improve students’ social emotional skills, attitudes, behaviours and academic performance, for the benefit of the whole community.
Click here to find out more

Keynote Address – For Staff & Parents

In this 60-minute, face-to-face keynote, parents and educators will learn more about the challenges young men are facing and receive actionable takeaways to improve relationships. Learn more by booking a meeting with our Programs Team.

Click here to get in contact with us

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